1908 – Formation of Hounslow Tradesmens’ Association
1909 – Hounslow Tradesmens’ Association reconstituted as Hounslow Chamber of Commerce
1913 – Inauguration of Chiswick Chamber of Commerce
1922 – Formation of Feltham Tradesmens’ Association
1930 – Feltham Tradesmens’ Association reconstituted as Feltham Chamber of Commerce
1973 – Feltham Chamber of Commerce merged with Hounslow Chamber to form the Hounslow and District Chamber of Commerce
1975 – Chiswick Chamber of Commerce merged with Hounslow and District Chamber of Commerce
1979 – Adoption of the name: The London Borough of Hounslow Chamber of Commerce
1988 – The London Borough of Hounslow Chamber of Commerce takes over the Partnership Challenge (which is now run by Spark!), which recognises, rewards and supports activities between schools and the local economic community in Hounslow
1993 – Formation of the Hounslow Business Lunch Club, now run by Hounslow Chamber.
1995 – The London Borough of Hounslow Chamber of Commerce is instrumental in the formation of the Hounslow Town Centre Partnership. The London Borough of Hounslow Chamber of Commerce, with other local Borough Chambers, from West London Chamber of Commerce, which merges with
2000 – West London Inward to form West London Business in 2000
2001 – Sally Smith, Chamber administrator, appointed to boost membership and work miracles
2003 – Launch of the website: www.hounslowchamber.org.uk
2004 – Introduction of the Malcolm Gibbins Cup in the Partnership Challenge for Primary Schools, which is now run by Spark!
2005 – Launch of new logo and abbreviation of name to Hounslow Chamber
2006 – Formation of the Chiswick Business Lunch Club
2007 – Introduction of the Alan Bosson Cup in the Engineering Challenge for secondary schools
2008 – Celebration of Hounslow Chamber’s Centenary, Move to business premises at West Thames College
2011 – CEO & COO appointed
2012 – Hounslow Chamber is incorporated. Its name is London Borough of Hounslow Chamber of Commerce Ltd. The use of the term ‘Chamber of Commerce’, having been approved by the British Chamber of Commerce.
2013 – Launch of the Hounslow Business Awards
2015 – Appointment of Sardar Singh as Hounslow Chamber Life President, Appointment of a Chairman of the Board and two additional Vice Presidents
2016 – Creative Tech Triangle Ltd, wholly owned by Hounslow Chamber of Commerce, formed to work with the Creative/Tech sector in west London
2017 – Launch of Hounslow Festival of Business, a business to business exhibition
2018 – Alan Rides is appointed CEO. The Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy are proud to announce in their Enterprise Awards: Hounslow Chamber of Commerce, West London Export Club is this year’s winner for the category Support for Exporting.
2019 – Lisa Rides, promoted to Office Manager
2020 – West London Local Chambers launched to offer Chamber services for Ealing and Hammersmith & Fulham. Hounslow Chamber approved as a Kickstart Gateway.
2021 – Ina Morisson ex-Kickstarter promoted to Project Manager and Digital Marketing Lead. As an approved Kickstart Gateway, we are recognised for placing over 200 people into employment and set a record Chamber achievement in London.
2022 – LCCI request name change to West London Chambers of Commerce Ltd and new brand launched.